December 07, 2006

Minky P's

Christmas is frikking wicked!

Tonight, Hannabella has officially consumed far too much mulled wine! Consequently this will be a short post!

Suffice it to say that the PTP is going very well, and Hannabella is feeling decidedly skinny, despite the copious quantities of minky p's (mince pies) and dates wrapped in bacon that she has consumed this evening! And Casa Hannabella looks awesome with it's funky tree, and delicately positioned tinsel and fairy lights - damn I love this time of year! Bring on the office party! And sparkly top wearing!

Oh, and P.S. Got my frist Christmas card addressed to 'Dr' Hannabella today! Which rocks! A LOT!

Posted by Han at December 7, 2006 12:13 AM | TrackBack